复制代码 代码如下:
<script language=vbscript runat=server>
'//---- cocoon_自定义类_翻页优化代码 ----//'
class cc_db_pager
' cocoon db_pager 类 (ver: 1.02)
' 作者: sunrise_chen (sunrise_chen@msn.com)
' 请保留此信息,谢谢。
' 2003/06 修正一个错误,描述:如果id不唯一,将产生多条重复记录的错误。
' 2003.5
'//-------------------- 定义变量 --------------------//'
private stablename '//表名
private ssqlstring '//自定义sql语句
private acondition() '//查询条件(数组)
private scondition '//查询条件(字符串)
private ipage '//当前页码
private ipagesize '//每页记录数
private ipagecount '//总页数
private ireccount '//当前查询条件下的记录数
private itotalreccount '//总记录数
private sfields '//输出的字段名
private sorderby '//排序字符串
private ssql '//当前的查询语句
private spkey '//主键
private oconn '//连接对象
private idefpagesize '//默认每页显示的记录数
private sprojectname '/项目名
private sversion '/版本号
private bshowerror '//是否显示错误信息
'//-------------------- 事件、方法 --------------------//'
private sub class_initialize()
redim acondition(-1)
ipage = 1
ireccount = null
itotalreccount = null
ipagecount = null
bshowerror = true
ipagesize = 10
sfields = "*"
spkey = "id"
scondition = ""
sorderby = ""
ssqlstring = ""
sprojectname = "cocoon 类系列 数据库翻页优化"
sversion = "1.02"
end sub
private sub class_terminate()
set oconn = nothing
end sub
public sub doerror(s)
dim stmp
stmp = clng(rnd() * 100)
response.write( "<div style='width:760;font-size:9pt;cursor:hand'>" )
response.write( "<label onclick='errordiv"&stmp&".style.display=(errordiv"&stmp&".style.display==""""?""none"":"""")'>" )
response.write( "<span style='background-color:#cccc00;color:white;'>〖 cc_db_pager 提示信息 〗</span><br></label>" )
response.write( "<div id='errordiv"&stmp&"' style='display:none;width:100%;" )
response.write( "border: 1px solid #cccc00;padding:5;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;'><nobr>" )
response.write( "<span style='color:red'>description</span>: " & s & "<br>" )
response.write( "<span style='color:red'>provider</span>: " & sprojectname )
response.write( " <span style='color:red'>version</span>: " & sversion & "<br>" )
response.write( "</nobr></div></div><br>" )
end sub
public function getsql()
dim istart, iend
call makecondition()
istart = ( ipage - 1 ) * ipagesize
iend = istart + ipagesize
getsql = " select distinct " & sfields & " from ["&stablename&"] " _
& " where ["&spkey&"] not in ( " _
& " select top "&istart&" ["&spkey&"] from ["&stablename&"] " & scondition & " " & sorderby & " " _
& " )" _
& " and ["&spkey&"] in ( " _
& " select top "&iend&" ["&spkey&"] from ["&stablename&"] " & scondition & " " & sorderby & " " _
& " )" _
& " " & sorderby & " "
end function
private sub makecondition()
if ubound(acondition)>=0 then
scondition = " where " & join(acondition, " and ")
end if
end sub
private sub caculatereccount()
on error resume next
dim ors
call makecondition()
set ors = oconn.execute( "select count(["&spkey&"]) from [" & stablename & "]" & scondition )
if err then
doerror err.description
end if
ireccount = ors.fields.item(0).value
set ors = nothing
end sub
private sub caculatetotalreccount()
on error resume next
dim ors
set ors = oconn.execute( "select count(["&spkey&"]) from [" & stablename & "]" )
if err then
doerror err.description
end if
itotalreccount = ors.fields.item(0).value
set ors = nothing
end sub
private sub caculatepagecount()
if isnull(ireccount) then caculatereccount()
if ireccount = 0 then ipagecount = 0 : exit sub
ipagecount = abs( int( 0 - (ireccount / ipagesize) ) )
end sub
public sub addcondition(s)
if len(s)<0 then exit sub
redim preserve acondition(ubound(acondition)+1)
acondition(ubound(acondition)) = s
end sub
public function information()
doerror "coding by <a href='mailto:sunrise_chen@msn.com'>sunrise_chen</a> @ <a href='http://www.ccopus.com'>http://www.ccopus.com</a> ."
end function
'//-------------------- 输入属性 --------------------//'
public property set activeconnection(o)
set oconn = o
end property
public property let tablename(s)
stablename = s
end property
public property let fields(s)
sfields = s
end property
public property let pkey(s)
spkey = s
end property
public property let orderby(s)
sorderby = " order by " & s & " "
end property
public property let pagesize(s)
ipagesize = s
if not isnumeric(ipagesize) then ipagesize = idefaultpagesize
if clng(ipagesize)<1 then ipagesize = idefaultpagesize
end property
public property let page(s)
ipage = s
if not isnumeric(ipage) then ipage = 1
if clng(ipage)<1 then ipage = 1
call caculatepagecount()
if clng(ipage)>clng(ipagecount) and ipagecount>0 then ipage = ipagecount
end property
public property let sql(s)
ssqlstring = s
end property
'//-------------------- 输出属性 --------------------//'
public property get recordcount
if isnull(ireccount) then caculatereccount()
recordcount = ireccount
end property
public property get page
page = ipage
end property
public property get absolutepage
absolutepage = ipage
end property
public property get condition
if len(scondition)<1 then makecondition()
condition = scondition
end property
public property get totalrecordcount
if isnull(itotalreccount) then caculatetotalreccount()
totalrecordcount = itotalreccount
end property
public property get pagecount
if isnull(ipagecount) then caculatepagecount()
pagecount = ipagecount
end property
public property get recordset
on error resume next
ssql = getsql()
set recordset = oconn.execute( ssql )
if err then
if bshowerror then doerror err.description
if len(ssqlstring)>0 then
set recordset = oconn.execute( ssqlstring )
if err then
doerror err.description
end if
doerror err.description
end if
end if
end property
public property get version
version = sversion
end property
end class