package coreservlets;
import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import*;
public class searchengines extends httpservlet { public void doget(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception { string searchstring = request.getparameter("searchstring"); if ((searchstring == null) // (searchstring.length() == 0)) { reportproblem(response, "missing search string."); return; } // the urlencoder changes spaces to "+" signs and other // non-alphanumeric characters to "%xy", where xy is the // hex value of the ascii (or iso latin-1) character. // browsers always url-encode form values, so the // getparameter method decodes automatically. but since // we're just passing this on to another server, we need to // re-encode it. searchstring = urlencoder.encode(searchstring); string numresults = request.getparameter("numresults"); if ((numresults == null) // (numresults.equals("0")) // (numresults.length() == 0)) { numresults = "10"; } string searchengine = request.getparameter("searchengine"); if (searchengine == null) { reportproblem(response, "missing search engine name."); return; } searchspec[] commonspecs = searchspec.getcommonspecs(); for(int i=0; i<commonspecs.length; i++) { searchspec searchspec = commonspecs; if (searchspec.getname().equals(searchengine)) { string url = searchspec.makeurl(searchstring, numresults); response.sendredirect(url); return; } } reportproblem(response, "unrecognized search engine."); }
private void reportproblem(httpservletresponse response, string message) throws ioexception { response.senderror(response.sc_not_found, "<h2>" + message + "</h2>"); }
public void dopost(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception { doget(request, response); } }